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Agile software development
Agile development or Agile Methodology in Software Development is an approach to software development that’s ideal for connecting mixed teams over different countries, languages and time zones. Software development has evolved in last decade. Unlike traditional Waterfall model Distributed Agile Development has many pros .
Agile means that you get to the end result through iterations. It starts with “must have” functionality and then adding functions in collaboration with the Stakeholders.
Therefore, by investing extrinsic resources to complement in-house distributed agile methodology software development team takes this flexibility and gracefulness to the succeeding level. To sum up it result into faster time to project completion and that too without taking on additional time to cope with glitches or tight deadlines.
It is important to realize that excellent communication and creating a highly functioning team of distributed members is fundamental to distributed agile. The principles behind distributed agile software development are:
- One-on-one interactions over processes and tools
- Working software over comprehensive documentation
- Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
- Responding to change over following plans
Do you know the prime benefits of distributed agile?
When your extended team is trained in distributed agile it’s much easier to complete your project on time and on budget. This is because distributed agile results in:
- Reduced staff and office facilities costs.
- Easier access to expertise.
- Improved collaborative working and knowledge sharing.
- Increased flexibility across teams.
- Parallel working among existing staff and development teams.