Merge made by the ‘ort’ strategy

Merge made by the ‘ort’ strategy


Git, the popular version control system, constantly evolves to improve performance and efficiency for developers. One such evolution is the introduction of the ORT (Ostensibly Recursive’s Twin) merge strategy in Git 2.33. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what ORT is, its benefits, and the considerations developers should keep in mind when using it.

What is ORT?

ORT stands for Ostensibly Recursive’s Twin. It’s a new merge strategy introduced in Git to enhance performance and memory usage during merge operations, especially in repositories with a large number of files. Unlike the traditional recursive merge strategy, which recursively inspects the entire file trees of both branches being merged, ORT utilises a twin network data structure to represent the relationship between files and directories in both branches.

Benefits of ORT

  1. Improved Performance
    ORT optimizes merge operations by efficiently handling large repositories. Its use of the twin network data structure leads to faster merge operations, making it a suitable choice for projects with extensive histories or complex directory structures.
  2. Reduced Memory Usage
    By minimising memory consumption during merge operations, ORT helps alleviate performance bottlenecks, especially on systems with limited memory resources. This can result in smoother merges and a more responsive development workflow.
  3. Scalability
    ORT is designed to scale well with repositories containing a large number of files. Its performance benefits become more pronounced as the size and complexity of the repository increase, making it an attractive option for projects with diverse code bases.

Considerations for Developers

While ORT offers significant benefits, developers should be aware of certain considerations before adopting it in their workflows

  1. Compatibility
    ORT is a relatively new feature in Git, introduced in version 2.33. Developers should thoroughly test and validate its behaviour in their specific repositories to ensure compatibility with existing workflows, tools, and scripts.
  2. Learning Curve
    As ORT introduces a new merge strategy, developers may need to familiarise themselves with its behaviour and potential differences compared to the traditional recursive strategy. This may involve learning new concepts and adapting existing workflows to accommodate ORT’s features.
  3. Migration Efforts
    Adopting ORT may require migration efforts for existing repositories and workflows. Developers should plan and execute these migrations carefully, ensuring minimal disruption to ongoing projects and collaboration processes.


Git’s ORT merge strategy represents a significant advancement in version control, offering improved performance and memory usage for merge operations. By leveraging the twin network data structure, ORT provides developers with a more efficient and scalable solution for managing repositories, particularly those with large file counts. However, developers should approach its adoption with careful consideration, testing, and planning to ensure a smooth transition and optimal integration into their workflows.

By understanding the benefits and considerations associated with ORT, developers can harness its potential to enhance their development experience and streamline collaboration in Git-based projects.

Ankush is in India's top 3.5 talents associated with Uplers and is a co-founder of Behind Methods. He is seasoned Full Cycle developer with over 15 years of experience in crafting custom web applications. With two master's degrees in hand, his journey in the world of web development has been a thrilling and rewarding experience. He just doesn't build applications but collaborate closely with clients to understand their unique needs and challenges. This allows him to tailor solutions that align perfectly with their business objectives and help them navigating their digital landscape and achieve their business goals. Some of his awesome projects are PerkZilla, CoinDiscovery, 24Lottos, Zen Flowchart and MoverWise Software.

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